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3. week of Summer camps: Highlights

This week we also had snow in the water gun fight.

The ESB Summer Camps are now over. Thank you to all attendees: You created the amazing atmosphere!

The three-day camp felt like a blink of an eye. Here are some of the week's highlights in pictures.

If you'd like to experience one more amazing camp this summer, sign up for the Back to School Camp held in August here.


- Coaches: Alina, Henri, Mikko, Oona, Riikka and Samuel

Samuel as president.

Cage soccer.

Cool Kasper.

Jorge serves into a spinning box in a coach-challenge curated by Mikko.
Elias, Edvin and Eerik walk towards Jätemäki.

We played Octopus at the hill.

Varshi cheered on the girls' team in the coaches' own badminton match.

The Alvar that goes up must also come down.

Hunter Juuso.

Iiris and Belinda practice offensive footwork.

Riikka gives Galva snow in the back while Oona poses.

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